Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Happy October 15th!

Today has been a great day!  Mostly because October 15th marks the day I start listening to Christmas music.  Don't judge too quickly.  I'm not one of those Christmas fanatics.  I don't begin decorating or anything like that until around Thanksgiving time.  I just love Christmas music and honestly, it puts me in a good mood to hear it.

Also, this day reminds me of October 15th last year when I lived with Kristi Foster.  We realized that we were both huge Christmas music fans and I quickly adopted Kristi's October 15th tradition.  It was 11:50 PM and we only had 10 minutes to figure out what song we were going to play first when the clock struck 12.  We couldn't find a recording of the Chipmunk Christmas song, so Kristi found it in a song book.  Yes, you guessed it.  At 12 we sang, "Christmas, Christmas time is here..." at the top of our lungs along with other Christmas carol favorites.  What a good memory.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

I totally forgot you had a blog! I need to add it to my blogroll.