Monday, June 30, 2014

"The Sound of Music" opens on Friday!

I've been in Leavenworth for a whole month! I can't believe it's been that long. But, it also feels like I've been here forever when I consider all the work and progress we've made on the shows we're preparing.

I think this past week was the craziest and most stressful so far. But all the busyness is beginning to subside as we move into the final week of rehearsals for The Sound of Music. We open this Friday, y'all!! Woo-hoo! All last week, Maria and the kids were practicing up on the hill - figuring out spacing and making sure all the blocking and choreography will work on the actual stage! What a fun set of morning rehearsals!

In the afternoons, I did what I've been doing the whole time I've been here - practicing in my car almost everyday! I know it might seem weird, but in my car, I feel less inhibited to sing at the top of my lungs or get super emotional with some of the intense dialogue I have to memorize than if I were up in my room at the house where I'm staying. I'd be so distracted knowing that the family could hear me practicing. Anyway, it's a routine I've found that works for me.

I also found time to hang out with friends in the afternoons. I found some running buddies!! Morgan (left) is playing Louisa, and Lexi (right) is playing Liesl.

They are such sweet gals. And, it turns out we all have homeschooling in common. It's fun meeting so many theater people who have had that same experience as me. It's just kind of bonding!

I love that my friends Sarah (left) and Marissa (right) are really into coffee! This isn't the only reason we're good friends... but maybe one of the first! We found this really awesome coffee tasting room in downtown Leavenworth called J5.
We had a great time getting to know the owners and hearing their story. They told us about the local farmer's market that was happening that afternoon, so we were off! It was small but the offerings were amazing! Beautiful local produce and flowers, and much more!

We ended the week with a cue-to-cue rehearsal up on the hill. This is mainly a tech rehearsal - working out the coordination of the lighting & music cues, sound effects, set changes, etc. It was fun to be up on the stage with the whole cast! It started feeling really real once it got dark! This show is happening in 4 days!! I feel so honored and crazy excited to be a part of this project. Outdoor theater! Performing outside is a first for me, and I can't wait!

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